سه شنبه 1 آبان 1403

Thursday, 10 January 2019 10:06

Darkob design group Featured

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استان :european country
شهر :berlin
تلفن :004976211676678
ایمیل : info@darkobwebdesign.com
in the Darkob suite all sites are custom designed and no longer available for cheap plans
The base design plan for Darkob Company is 500 EUROS which includes designing the website template by graphic designer in a responsive and mobile-friendly manner and inserting web site content
Named after the seventeen-year experience of the team's executive team it has been successful in designing programming and optimizing around 3500 websites
Advanced plan
domain registration ( ir,com )
Assign Hosting ( Space 500 MB )
Implementation of the site
Control the site control panel
One year support
Insert Site Information
Responsive template (compatible with mobile and tablet)
Site design by graphic designer
Show the site on the Google homepage
Runtime 21 days Design + 45 days SEO
1.500 EURO
Read 1608 times

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