سه شنبه 1 آبان 1403

Saturday, 24 February 2024 11:26

Calotropis Latex, Flower, Root and Cortex in acpfood Featured

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استان :iran
شهر :tehran
آدرس :Paradise Hub Bldg, Artesh HWY, Tehran, Iran
موبایل :+43 677 614 15742
ایمیل : info@acpfood.com
Health Benefits

Eliminates hypertrophic scar. Calotropis sap is very useful in calcination.

Its fresh leaf is a pain reliever, removes cold swellings and phlegm.

Its root cortex is tonic and expels phlegm.

Its sap is a strong laxative and phlegm remover, animal poison absorber, pain reliever, swelling remover, and stomach tonic.

If you cook its leaves in olive oil, its poultice cures body paralysis, and convulsions.

If you dry the flowers, leaves and branches of the white flower of Calotropis in the shade, eating 6.8 grams of its powder daily with cow’s milk is very useful for body weakness, shortness of breath, phlegm cough, chronic fevers and flatulence.

If you put the cotton-like part of the inside of the fruit on wounds and injuries, it will prevent bleeding and help new flesh to grow.

Calotropis latex improves chronic diseases, headaches, phlegm diseases, shortness of breath, and skin diseases and is used to treat leprosy, psoriasis, scabies, smallpox, boils, spleen stiffness, liver diseases and ascites, and expels ascarid and taenia.

If you soak ajwain seeds in this sap for several times and dry it in the shade, eating it is effective for shortness of breath and phlegm cough. Rubbing this sap on the bitten area absorbs the poison and relieves the pain. If you keep it with honey in the mouth for few minutes is useful for children’s mouth aphthous ulcer.

If you dip the cotton in this sap and put it on the painful tooth, it will relieve it.

Dose: Leaves up to 0.25 grams
Sap up to 1.2 grams

Harms: Viscera. Hot temperament people and pregnant women. All parts of the plant are poisonous. Its sap is irritating to the skin and very poisonous, and eating 7.2 grams of it causes intestines wounds, lungs, and liver, and causes death within two days by causing severe diarrhea.

Modifiers: Tallow and milk. If someone gets poisoned by eating its leaves or sap, you should feed him with lots of milk or tallow to make him vomit continuously.
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